Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What I Learned This Week

This week we were presented with a very interesting in-class project; the "run & gun" style of shooting.

I certainly went from being excited about being the sole director to nervous on many levels. This seemed like a lot of pressure, and with only ten minutes of prep time, it seemed near impossible to pull off anything that I'd actually be proud of submitting.

But I think this is what the project was intended for. Without someone giving you that extra push and saying "don't worry, everyone else is in the exact same position as you," you'll never be be confident enough to take that leadership role.

Aside from showing me a few things about directing, like how to explain myself to the other people to get the particular shot I want, I also learned a little bit about my style of shooting. I particularly enjoy close ups, which in my opinion help convey emotion much better than other shots.

To go along with that, I like wide shots of actors, which helps create tension and makes it easier for the audience to realize that.

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